Wall of Voices

The Wall of Voices presents snapshot messages from people raising their voice for more just and inclusive societies. All video messages were written and recorded by the participants themselves, consciously taking the opportunity to share their beliefs, successes and urgent requests. Although our backgrounds and motives may differ, we all share the common perspective that our voice is powerful and capable of driving change.

The video messages are from activists, citizens and partners who allied, in their efforts to improve society, with the Oxfam Novib-SOMO and Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs strategic partnership ‘Towards a Worldwide Influencing Network’. In seventeen countries in Africa and Asia, civil society organizations mobilize citizens to effectively raise their voices to advocate for people’s right to food, encourage finance for development and protect and develop livelihoods in countries affected by conflict and fragility.

Safeguarding and expanding civic space is both a prerequisite to and a result of citizens raising their voice and holding duty-bearers accountable. In 2019/20, 778,159 people raised their voice, often as part of the advocacy activities of 193 alliances.
Since the start of our partnership in 2016, more than 4.25 million people were mobilized to demand change, by 703 CSOs with increased lobby and advocacy capacities.

This is how we started

These were some of the challenges, intentions and expectations at the start of the partnership:


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