Foto: Hoang Huy

Pro-Poor Value Chains

Oxfam Novib’s purpose is to contribute to the empowerment of rural communities in negotiating better prices for their products, better work conditions, and more relevant services by taking a holistic approach to value chains.

In Africa and South- and South-East Asia, millions of rural households produce products such as grains, pulses, sugar, coffee, cocoa, and shrimps. Typically these are bought by traders and sold into the national and global markets. Many organisations are working to help rural households produce more and higher-quality crops, which can command better prices, as well as to manage their money more effectively through access to loans, savings and insurance products. However, it’s rare for these initiatives to explicitly tackle the social norms or customary and legal frameworks that hamper vulnerable people and in particular women to improve their livelihoods, and to engage with private sector companies and institutions to bring about changes at scale.

The pro-poor value chains programme aims to develop sustainable agricultural production systems and to influence policies and practices of institutions and companies towards sustainable, gender sensitive and inclusive value chains.

For more information, have a look at our factsheet


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