Empowered Girls – Informed Choices
The project FACE ‘Empowered Girls – Informed Choices’ is a one year pilot project implemented in Niger. The main aim is for girls to organize, become leaders and make their voices heard, particularly in the area of reproductive rights.
The project:
‘Empowered Girls – Informed Choices’ builds on the impact achieved by the More than Bride Alliance. The project is implemented by Oxfam in collaboration with its partner SOS FEVVF.
More information about SOS FEVVF can be found at this address: https://sosfevvf.org/ .
The goals is to reach 3300 young people, of which 80% girls, and for them to be able to:
- Claim their rights to make their own reproductive health decisions – this includes when to marry, education about contraception, trainings about gender based violence, and generally challenging social norms.
- Empower themselves through life skills development and economic stability - through allocation of mini grants and support to develop revenue generating activities.
- Raise their voices within their communities, including through the use of digital technology.
Our approach:
- All our activities aim to develop girls transformational leadership and support role models.
- Young people are included in key decision making so they are taking the driving seat in the project and can practice and exert their leadership. Young people were involved in the concept note workshop, in deciding which activities to fundraise for and in leading a research study about their place in the economic fabric of their communities. We are also currently adapting a methodology so young people participate in the decision making process for the allocation of grants. Finally we are exploring how they can take an active role in the final evaluation.
- We use a mix of digital and face to face methods. Digital networking can be difficult in rural regions with low connectivity – but local evaluation has shown a higher usage than expected and a strong interest from young people for digital. With FACE we want to participate in bridging the digital gap.
- We establish links between youth groups and decision makers through video and testimonies– from local level to donors. We want to hear young people tell us about their own experiences directly, with their own words.
Project name: FACE
Project period: 01/03/2021 to 31/12/2022
Target group: Girls and young people
Location: Say - Niger
FACE is part of the Equal Rights for All team at Oxfam Novib.
For questions please contact: nina.dubsky@oxfamnovib.nl