Expert Meeting on measuring the effects of influencing

  • April 26, 2017

Development actors try to influence people’s attitudes and behaviors through public campaigns. Their lobby and advocacy activities aim at changing policies and practices of governments and companies. As with traditional development interventions, accountability is due for the effects of the influencing work. Yet, measuring these effects is new and challenging. With this background, Oxfam Novib’s Impact Measurement & Knowledge team organized an Expert Meeting on Friday 31 March 2017, to offer insights from unusual disciplines about innovative measurement methods.


During two rounds of workshops, the first one on influencing people and the second on influencing institutions, different measurement methods were unpacked and applied on real life cases. Participants could choose the method of their liking, based on short pitches from the experts. At the end of the day, concrete takeaways from the different workshops were exchanged in a plenary session. The full program can be found here.

“It’s not about the method, it’s about the question.” (Jelle Demanet, iMPULSE)

Via the links below you can find documentation for further reference and inspiration:

1. the PowerPoint presentations used during the workshops;
2. a reference document with more detailed, technical information on all the presented methods (and more);
3. a Flickr photo album;
4. an article on what the Oxfam Novib Academy takes away from the Expert Meeting.


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