Youth As Active Citizens

Oxfam Novib is transforming unequal power structures affecting young people’s rights and needs. Using the UN’s definition of youth (ages 15 to 24), our programmes focus on the theme of Love, Learn and Earn.

Young people are the active citizens of today and leaders of tomorrow. Today’s youth population is larger than ever: 1.2 billion people are between ages 15 and 24, and 90 percent live in low-income countries. Young people themselves have the best understanding of the realities of their own lives, and can be a powerful force for transformative political and social change. At this crucial stage in life, as identities develop, young people face political, cultural, social, and economic barriers that hinder their ability to contribute to positive social change. Girls and young women are affected the most as they face severe forms of discrimination and violence.

Our overall objective is to empower young people to instigate social change so that they will enjoy their rights to sexual reproductive health (Love), quality secondary education (Learn) and a decent income (Earn).

For more information, have a look at our factsheet


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