Strengthening local and national capacity: How to rethink capacity and complementarity


One of the main areas of the project is humanitarian capacity development. Local actors define a capacity development roadmap, based on an assessment of the context, a self-assessment of their organization and as a collective with other local actors in the district and at national level. The identified capacity needs are funded through the Humanitarian Capacity Development Fund (HCDF) or in the second phase of the Project a Humanitarian Action Fund (HAF). ELNHA Capacity Development goes beyond one-off trainings or workshops but places a focus on modalities that are best fit to strengthen the local and national governance systems to respond to humanitarian crises. Capacity is also built through secondments, on-the-job learning, peer-to-peer learning, and pilot projects, as alternative modalities to workshops and trainings. 

Relevant documents

ELNHA Humanitarian Capacity Development Strategy

Humanitarian Context Analysis for Bangladesh (2018)

Learning on the HCDF

Learning on the HAF in Uganda

Presentation on Localization and Capacity Development

Partnership and Complementarity in ELNHA: learning brief 

Women Leading Locally, Oxfam America


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